院校简介 学校信息更新时间:2019-05-10 13:31








1976.3  毕业于大连海运学院航海系并留校任教

1983.9 ~1986.4  大连海运学院航海系读硕士研究生,获硕士学位










在国内外学术刊物上发表论文共23篇。出版著作(译著等)共6 部。

获奖成果共3项,其中:(省)级2 项,市级1项。完成或承担项目共8项。










    Dalian Shipping College (school code 14209) is established by 5678 Group in 2008. It is granted by People’s Government of Liaoning Province, under the Chinese Ministry of Education for filling, and is checked and approved by National Maritime Bureau. It is a full-time higher vocational navigation college which contains the qualification to foster Third Officer and Fourth Engineer both in non-restricted waters and in coastal navigation areas.
    The college is located in Dalian, the open, livable, vibrant and romantic city, covering an area of 364,000 square meters and construction area of 155,000 square meters. It has a modern and garden-like campus surrounded by mountains and sea. The modernization degree of teaching facilities and equipments ranks the top comparing with others. It is a good place for numerous students to study here. At present, there are nearly 7000 full-time students. 
    Dalian Shipping College is carrying out the president responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors. According to the development trend of Dalian shipping industry and employment demand, the college is consist of 8 departments, which are Navigation, Marine Engineering, Electrical Automation, Economic management, International Shipping Service Management, Basic Courses, Continuing Education, and Training Departments. The college offers 15 special majors, which are Navigation Technology, Marine Engineering Technology, Ship Manufacturing and Maintenance, Ship Engineering, Ship Electrical Technology, Electrical Automation Technology, Electromechanical Integration Technology, Port Electrical Technology, International Shipping Management, Logistics Management, Business English, International Cruise Passenger, Customs and International Freight, Tourism Management, Preschool Education as well.   
    The college advocates educational quality,pay attention to intensive English and quality training, implementing semi-military management. The college treats ‘serious and persistent, unremitting self-improvement ’as school motto in the management of students. The formation of the campus culture with sailing characteristics are “Strict but reasonable, strict but affectionate, strict but measured”
    The college offers both Diploma and Degree, broadly develops college-enterprise cooperation and implements the much required "teaching, learning and doing" model. It also emphasizes on the concept of schooling which regards service as purpose and employment as means, aiming towards creating a factory-college combination. This effectively cultivates highly qualified talents, equipped with excellent skills for the shipping industry.
    Due to the Oceanic move in this 21st Century, the College adheres to brands in its day to day running. The historic opportunity Dalian boosts of, being the international shipping center within the North-East Asia in Liaoning Province, aids in making the College a first class Vocational Shipping Education center.






联系电话:0411-86274029 0411-86227666 传真号码:0411-86274036 学院网址:www.dlsc.net.cn 学院地址:大连旅顺经济开发区金昌街1号 邮政编码:116052 联 系 人:马老师 张老师 Q Q 咨询:1993243234 1990232358 电子信箱:dlsc86274029@163.com 公交乘车路线: 1.大连火车站南出口出站,乘到旅顺新港的大巴,到航运学院站下车即是。 2.从大连火车站站北广场乘坐到旅顺汽车站的公共汽车,再转乘18路公交车到大连航运职业技术学院下车即是。 自驾车路线: 沈大高速金州段,往旅顺方向行驶 ,走土羊高速,旅顺新港出口下高速,沿兴发路往南约3公里即是。


联系电话:0411-86274029 0411-86227666 传真号码:0411-86274036 学院网址:www.dlsc.net.cn 学院地址:大连旅顺经济开发区金昌街1号 邮政编码:116052 联 系 人:马老师 张老师 电子信箱:dlsc86274029@163.com 公交乘车路线: 1.大连火车站南出口出站,乘到旅顺新港的大巴,到航运学院站下车即是。 2.从大连火车站站北广场乘坐到旅顺汽车站的公共汽车,再转乘18路公交车到大连航运职业技术学院下车即是。 自驾车路线: 沈大高速金州段,往旅顺方向出口,经大连机场,直接到旅顺开发区兴发路下高速,沿兴发路往南约3公里即是。