名称 轮机工程技术
层次 专科(高职)
专业类型 交通运输大类
专业类别 水上运输类
年限 三年





1. Training objective

This specialty aims to cultivate skillful talents with moral, intellectual, physical all-round development, mastering the necessary basic theoretical and professional knowledge of management of mechanical and electrical equipment on modern ships, satisfying the Manila STCW78/95 amendment and China shipping crew competency standards and the law of People’s Republic of China on ocean-going ships crew competency examination and certification regulations, who can master the basic knowledge and skills of management of mechanical and electrical equipment, have high English and computer application abilities, can do a competent job as a marine engineer, have good team spirits, cooperation spirits and innovative spirits.

2. Employment Orientation

Graduates will mainly work as marine engineers on ocean going vessels of shipping companies; maintenance and repair work in shipyards.